Mud In Our Hands! The organic eco system produces crops without toxic chemical pesticides synthetic fertilizers and genetically modified seeds. The practices of organic farming dont degrade soil water or other natural resources. By growing a variety of plants and using techniques such as crop rotation and conservation tillage organic farms protect biodiversity and foster the development and maintenance of healthy ecosystems. Everything Organic! We call it the business of goodness. When you buy an organic product your family gets healthy food and you do good to the farmer. When the farmer shifts to organic farming he prospers and does good to the soil and the environment. When earth breathes life breathes. This is the cycle of goodness. All our farms and plantations are completely organic. Our products are produced or sourced keeping in mind the impact they create on health rural communities and nature. Making rural folks happy! We believe when we do business we need to involve village communities to empower them socially & economically not just as CSR initiatives but by making them partners in our business. All the products of Farm available in the digital marketplace are either made or packed by the women from our village. We ensure that we employ people only from our village and if they dont have the requisite skill invest in skilling them.