Features: This diwali diya will caste a flower type Reflecting shadow Both these diwali diya can easily float in water as well as in oil which will be an addition to the aesthetic Procedure: Take a cotton wig and pass it through the metal pipe given along with the diya. Keep the smaller end of the wig on the lower side insert in this position in the diya where three projections are provided. Specially to support the metal pipe in vertical position then either pour ghee or oil in such a way that the whole wig is dipped by the ghee or oil then light the upper end of the wig and you see the crystal clear deepak burning in front of you. This will continue burning till the last drop of the fuel is over and then to reuse the same remove the pipe and push the wig forward to remove the carbon left out so that a fresh wig is ready for reuse again. Repeat the same procedure or if you go on adding the fuel this deepak will burn non stop.