Sauerkraut is rich in fiber vitamins. Its probiotics help your body absorb these nutrients more easily.It is a great source of probiotics which provide many health benefits. It contains enzymes that help your body absorb nutrients more easily.Sauerkraut's low high fiber and high probiotic content may help prevent gain and promote the of unwanted body fat.Sauerkraut promotes healthy flora and may increase the absorption of mood-regulating minerfrom your diet. Both of these help and maintain .Try a few forkfuls in your salad sandwich or just as a condiment to your meal.
Probiotic organic
Ingredient Type:
Caraway Dill Himalayan Pink SaltJuniper BerriesOrganic Green & Purple Cabbage
probiotic organic
Ingredient Type:
CarawayDillHimalayan Pink SaltJuniper BerriesOrganic Green & Purple Cabbage
Generic Name:
Urban Platter Sauerkraut Original Pickled Probiotic Cabbage 450g