Digestion: Flaxseed can help with digestive issues like Constipation thanks to its high-fiber content• Lowering cholesterol levels: Flaxseed's been linked to lowering levels of low density lipoprotein { LDL or bad} Cholesterol which means it can help prevent other health issues such as heart disease and stroke• Prevents and corrects Premenopausal and Menopausal syndrome; Attributed to lignans present in it it has been found to prevent and correct hormonal imbalance in pre-menopausal and menopausal women• Manage some cancers: Flaxseed has possible anticancer compounds called lignans which are polyphenols that may help manage certain types of cancer including breast cancer• Weight management: This proposed benefit mostly stems from flaxseed's fiber which can help you feel full• Improving insulin sensitivity: insulin resistance or an inability to effectively use the hormone insulin to ferry glucose to cells is the hallmark of type 2 diabetes and some research suggests flaxseed oil may help with this problem.